Thursday, January 10, 2008

Nothing like a sick leave

Think about it for a minute.

When you are on a sick leave you amazing things happen in your life.

You have time to catch sleep.

You have time to give that call or send that email you postponed for so long, your friends started thinking you were no longer alive.

You have the time to just sit back and watch the tv for hours on a row.

You have the time to think how busy your live is.

You have the time to think about options, to find options, and to do something for them to happen.

You have time to look at the time passing my.

You have the time to read the book you are keeping for when you have the time.

You have the time to be bothered.

And when that moment comes, that’s when you can no longer avoid what you most wish to avoid.

The memories take over your thoughts.

The smiles take over your eyes.

The perfume takes over your nose.

The kisses take over your lips.

The missing takes over your hug and heart.

And then you find you have time for nothing else.

You find yourself wishing to go back to your busy life.

You find yourself praying to hurry the days you once wished to stop.

Now you know why you have such a busy life.

Now you know it’s not time what you need.

Now you know a schedule of 15 hours a day is just the thing for you.

You won’t complain ever again.

And you also know that particular book will remain exactly where it is.

That book needs more than time to be read.

That book needs a distance you couldn’t yet found.

That book brings you back to your memories.

The ones you want to forget.

The same ones you wish to keep forever.

If these thoughts are with you even when you don’t seem to have time to breath,

How can you avoid these thoughts when your spare time is more than you bear?

Maybe a sick leave isn’t such a good thing after all.

Happy Birthday's undelivered wishes

Hello you : )

Happy Birthday!
Χρονια Πολλά!!!

Hope everything is well with you; that you are in Greece, enjoying your family, your friends, the warmth, the sea, a good novel at the sound of the waves, your cousin’s car, the oranges’ smell, the sound of the wind blowing through the orange trees, working on your tan, avoiding mosquitoes at the open theatre. Or about to fly over anyway.

I hope the PhD is finally finished and you are about to do all those things you were wishing to do after the PhD.

Wishing you and d a wonderful day.

PS. Virtual birthday gift on googlemail.
(by now I have no idea what this means)


Hronia polla!!!
It’s never too much to say