Monday, June 04, 2007

Letter to Santa

6 Labrys Road,
My Moon WH173 574R,
The Universe

Santa Claus,
Santa Claus’ office,
Department of Christmas,
9 Reindeer Avenue,
Santa’s Secret Village, H34 V3N,
The Northpole

Dear Santa,

My name is Alixx. You may call me the owl, or simply, owl. It does not matter why, maybe I will explain in a future, near or far. I am a girl. In love. Heartbroken. Or so, this is how it is written.

I am writing today my Christmas letter. I have decided to do it this year in May. And this is the first letter I ever wrote to you, and I can write since I am 6. What I am now does not matter, but I may assure you I can write for many many years. So, you see, I am late rather than in advance.

If you do get this letter, please do not be crossed. I know it is months to Christmas, and I know you are packing for your summer holidays. I know you are not to be bothered before November, and I do apologise. Harrods starts on selling Christmas staff in August, and maybe that is okay, so you can start spending all your money as soon as you get back from holidays. But it is not even August, yet. I have run out of excuses, I am afraid.

I know you would not mind start receiving letters as soon as you are back, you just do not like receive them before you go. But my wish is not to upset you or to have you bothered with my problems and wishes before time.

That is the reason why I am writing two letters. This one to ask you ‘please do not open the letter accompanying this one before the time when you will start dealing whit this year’s Christmas’ wishes’. The second one is the one I just refer to (just to make sure you have it right).

The second one is the one that really matters. Do not let anyone know, but I am writing a blog to the girl I love. We are not together. I miss her, I miss being with her, and I wish for us to be together. One day, ayway… (No, it is not for you to get her in my bed by Christmas morning I want. Although, it is really sweet of you to ask, and I will not of course refuse it…) And I am not even writing to ask you to bring us together. I know you are only Santa… and I am aware of your limits.

What I want to ask is for you to make true the ending I wrote and wish for this story I am writing in my blog. You see, it is not quite the same, although it may seem. One thing is to make an almost impossible dream to come true, another completely different thing is to make come true a possible ending for a story that is being written. Stories must end. Every story has an ending. We may choose how to finish a story. As for life, it is completely different. And this story is my life, or at least about it. I am not asking for an ending to the story of my life, I am just asking for an ending to this particular story inside the story of my life. See? It is completely different. Much more simple. Am I not a sweet girl, making such a simple request?

Ups, I think I may have said a bit too much. Hope you not curious, are you? If we all have to wait until Christmas to open our presents, I think it is fair that you will have to wait until after your holidays to open my second letter…

Yours sincerely,

ps. My love used to call me a cheeky monkey sometimes. I never understood why.

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